A Place to Call Home
Our needs are not permanent – they change as we age. So, it’s important to provide appropriate aged care services to those who are facing the challenges of old age. If this situation sounds familiar to you, it’s time to call Ambition Home Care, one of the reliable aged care services in Australia.
With us, you get an extensive range of facilities, all of them tailored according to your needs. Moreover, you can either receive these services in the comfort of your own house or join our aged care homes.
We have a team of skilled healthcare experts who provide excellent aged care home support services. It is because of their dedication and work that our previous and current clients trust us.
But that’s not all we offer! With us, you get round-the-clock support, live-in caregivers, and care plans customised for your comfort. You can get all our services at a highly affordable rate, allowing you to live your life without worrying about finances. So, if you want to make your life fulfilling with the help of one of the best aged care providers, contact us to know more!
Ambition Home Care prides itself on providing an extensive range of services to aged people. We deliver this support through care plans designed just for you.
The first step to access government funding for aged care services list is to request an assessment. This assessment shows the authorities how serious your needs are, which helps them decide whether you’re eligible or not.
You can contact My Aged Care or make an appointment for an initial discussion. Here, you will be asked questions about your health, how you manage your daily activities and if you have a caregiver or not. Based on your answers, your application is evaluated. If it’s a successful application, you’re put in touch with an assessor who determines the services and support you will need.
If you want someone to guide you through this process, then contact Ambition Home Care! Our aged care support services team can help you to communicate your needs as well as find the right services for you.
More often than not, it is difficult to determine when our loved ones need help. In fact, as the signs build gradually, we may miss them altogether. If you are in a similar situation, our team has compiled four signs your loved ones need aged care and disability services:
Ambition Home Care specialises in aged care for people living with severe physical or mental impairment. This includes cognitive disabilities like dementia, physical handicaps like Parkinson’s, and developmental disorders like autism.
For these and other impairments, our team provides palliative care so you can thrive despite your physical and cognitive limitations. So, if you need Parkinson’s care, help with living with autism, or dementia care, you can rely on us!
Our commitment to providing compassionate support also extends to primary caregivers for their loved ones. If you’re a carer and need a break, however long, you can request our respite care. We relieve you of your responsibilities so you can take care of yourself and your duties. Moreover, if you need professional care at short notice, we also offer emergency respite services.
We’re also one of the few aged care homes in Australia that offers competent stroke care. Our team consists of stroke support specialists, who provide personalised services like occupational therapy, speech pathology, and nutrition.
We are also proud to host the aged veteran community and war widows at our homes. Through our specialised service, we help them connect with people who have gone through similar life experiences.
With us, you have the right to ask for a healthcare professional that aligns with your values and matches your vibes. For example, if you need someone with a Greek speaking background who is eager to become your friend, we can make that happen!
Transitioning to aged care is a daunting change, especially when you have been handling everything independently till now. Ambition Home Care focuses on making this transition easier by creating a home-like experience away from home!
Ambition Home Care prioritises our residents’ physical, emotional and mental well-being over everything else. As a result, we offer a mix of health and wellness programs that address all our participants’ needs.
Our team conducts exercise classes regularly to keep you healthy through activity and movement. Through our gentle yet unyielding approach, we target your strength, balance, and flexibility.
For people who need more specialised support, we provide physiotherapy services too! We assign you a physiotherapist for the duration of your stay, who crafts a support plan based on your health needs. This plan, a mix of physiotherapy exercise classes and psychotherapy, aims to reduce pain and discomfort while increasing your mobility.
Our residents also love indulging in Tai Chi, one of the most profound forms of Chinese martial arts. It involves moving your body in a series of flowing motions as you keep breathing slowly but deeply. For those who want to take part in this traditional exercise but their body won’t let them, we provide seated tai chi. The process is the same – only here, you’ll be sitting in a chair comfortably, instead of standing.
Our other lifestyle activities include gardening sessions, DIY arts and crafts, music therapy, cooking classes, and pet therapy. Do you want to learn how life is at Ambition Home Care? Then contact us immediately!
There are many aged care centres in Australia, but Ambition Home Care has an edge over all of them. How so? Well, we believe compassionate care is the right of every aged individual. Our work reflects our values and beliefs, ultimately allowing us to give you quality aged care services!